Dynamic time resolution

COSMIC has the ability to set time resolution of the bcm array depending on the current state of the evolution.

In [1]: from cosmic.sample.initialbinarytable import InitialBinaryTable

In [2]: from cosmic.evolve import Evolve

General syntax

The timestep resolution for the bcm array can be set using timestep_conditions parameter. The format of this parameter is a list of lists, where each sublist contains zero or more conditions followed by the desired resolution. The conditions are in the form of a string with the format 'column_name=condition'. The resolution is in the form of a string with the format 'dtp=resolution'.

The conditions are evaluated at each time step and if the condition is met, the resolution is set to the desired value. If multiple conditions are specified, a timestep is outputted if any of the conditions are met.

The resolution can be any positive float value given in units of Myr. If the resolution is set to 0.0, every time step will be outputted in the bcm array.


Below we demonstrate three scenarios, setting dtp only during mass transfer, setting dtp to the same resolution for all of the evolution except for after the system merges or is disrupted, and finally an example of setting dtp only during the HMXB stage of the evolution.

All steps during mass transfer

First, print all time steps during mass transfer

In [3]: single_binary = InitialBinaryTable.InitialBinaries(m1=7.806106, m2=5.381412, porb=2858.942021,
   ...:                                                    ecc=0.601408, tphysf=13700.0, kstar1=1, kstar2=1, metallicity=0.02)

In [4]: BSEDict = {'xi': 1.0, 'bhflag': 1, 'neta': 0.5, 'windflag': 3, 'wdflag': 1, 'alpha1': 1.0, 'pts1': 0.001, 'pts3': 0.02, 'pts2': 0.01, 'epsnov': 0.001, 'hewind': 0.5, 'ck': 1000, 'bwind': 0.0, 'lambdaf': 0.0, 'mxns': 3.0, 'beta': -1.0, 'tflag': 1, 'acc2': 1.5, 'grflag' : 1, 'remnantflag': 4, 'ceflag': 0, 'eddfac': 1.0, 'ifflag': 0, 'bconst': 3000, 'sigma': 265.0, 'gamma': -2.0, 'pisn': 45.0, 'natal_kick_array' : [[-100.0,-100.0,-100.0,-100.0,0.0], [-100.0,-100.0,-100.0,-100.0,0.0]], 'bhsigmafrac' : 1.0, 'polar_kick_angle' : 90, 'qcrit_array' : [0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0], 'cekickflag' : 2, 'cehestarflag' : 0, 'cemergeflag' : 0, 'ecsn' : 2.25, 'ecsn_mlow' : 1.6, 'aic' : 1, 'ussn' : 0, 'sigmadiv' :-20.0, 'qcflag' : 1, 'eddlimflag' : 0, 'fprimc_array' : [2.0/21.0,2.0/21.0,2.0/21.0,2.0/21.0,2.0/21.0,2.0/21.0,2.0/21.0,2.0/21.0,2.0/21.0,2.0/21.0,2.0/21.0,2.0/21.0,2.0/21.0,2.0/21.0,2.0/21.0,2.0/21.0], 'bhspinflag' : 0, 'bhspinmag' : 0.0, 'rejuv_fac' : 1.0, 'rejuvflag' : 0, 'htpmb' : 1, 'ST_cr' : 1, 'ST_tide' : 1, 'bdecayfac' : 1, 'rembar_massloss' : 0.5, 'kickflag' : 1, 'zsun' : 0.014, 'bhms_coll_flag' : 0, 'don_lim' : -1, 'acc_lim' : -1, 'rtmsflag' : 0, 'wd_mass_lim': 1}

In [5]: # Define the condition for the time step
   ...: timestep_conditions = [['RRLO_1>=1', 'dtp=0.0'], ['RRLO_2>=1', 'dtp=0.0']]

In [6]: bpp, bcm, initC, kick_info = Evolve.evolve(initialbinarytable=single_binary, BSEDict=BSEDict,
   ...:                                            timestep_conditions=timestep_conditions)

In [7]: print(bcm[['tphys', 'kstar_1', 'kstar_2', 'mass_1', 'mass_2', 'RRLO_1', 'RRLO_2']])
       tphys  kstar_1  kstar_2    mass_1    mass_2    RRLO_1    RRLO_2
0   0.000000        1        1  7.806106  5.381412  0.010953  0.010459
0  43.565604        5        1  7.346069  5.396914  1.000222  0.008730

Condition on binary state

Second, pick a certain resolution for the bcm array until the system merges or is disrupted and then only print the final state

In [8]: timestep_conditions = [['binstate=0', 'dtp=1.0']]

In [9]: bpp, bcm, initC, kick_info = Evolve.evolve(initialbinarytable=single_binary, BSEDict=BSEDict,
   ...:                                            timestep_conditions=timestep_conditions)

In [10]: print(bcm[['tphys', 'kstar_1', 'kstar_2', 'mass_1', 'mass_2', 'bin_state']])
   tphys  kstar_1  kstar_2    mass_1    mass_2  bin_state
0    0.0        1        1  7.806106  5.381412          0
0    1.0        1        1  7.805049  5.381334          0
0    2.0        1        1  7.803970  5.381256          0
0    3.0        1        1  7.802864  5.381177          0
0    4.0        1        1  7.801731  5.381097          0
0    5.0        1        1  7.800567  5.381017          0
0    6.0        1        1  7.799370  5.380936          0
0    7.0        1        1  7.798137  5.380854          0
0    8.0        1        1  7.796865  5.380771          0
0    9.0        1        1  7.795550  5.380687          0
0   10.0        1        1  7.794190  5.380602          0
0   11.0        1        1  7.792780  5.380516          0
0   12.0        1        1  7.791316  5.380430          0
0   13.0        1        1  7.789796  5.380342          0
0   14.0        1        1  7.788213  5.380253          0
0   15.0        1        1  7.786563  5.380163          0
0   16.0        1        1  7.784841  5.380073          0
0   17.0        1        1  7.783043  5.379980          0
0   18.0        1        1  7.781161  5.379887          0
0   19.0        1        1  7.779190  5.379793          0
0   20.0        1        1  7.777123  5.379697          0
0   21.0        1        1  7.774952  5.379600          0
0   22.0        1        1  7.772671  5.379501          0
0   23.0        1        1  7.770271  5.379402          0
0   24.0        1        1  7.767744  5.379301          0
0   25.0        1        1  7.765080  5.379198          0
0   26.0        1        1  7.762270  5.379094          0
0   27.0        1        1  7.759303  5.378988          0
0   28.0        1        1  7.756170  5.378881          0
0   29.0        1        1  7.752860  5.378772          0
0   30.0        1        1  7.749363  5.378661          0
0   31.0        1        1  7.745668  5.378549          0
0   32.0        1        1  7.741767  5.378434          0
0   33.0        1        1  7.737651  5.378318          0
0   34.0        1        1  7.733315  5.378200          0
0   35.0        1        1  7.728755  5.378080          0
0   36.0        1        1  7.723973  5.377958          0
0   37.0        1        1  7.718977  5.377834          0
0   38.0        1        1  7.713779  5.377708          0
0   39.0        4        1  7.651379  5.381606          0
0   40.0        4        1  7.568413  5.386139          0
0   41.0        4        1  7.515623  5.388395          0
0   42.0        4        1  7.468825  5.389992          0
0   43.0        4        1  7.423606  5.390657          0

Condition on evolutionary state

Finally, we show how to print a fine resolution only during the HMXB stage of the evolution.

In [11]: single_binary = InitialBinaryTable.InitialBinaries(m1=85.543645, m2=84.99784, porb=446.795757,
   ....:                                                    ecc=0.448872, tphysf=13700.0,
   ....:                                                    kstar1=1, kstar2=1, metallicity=0.002)

In [12]: BSEDict = {'xi': 1.0, 'bhflag': 1, 'neta': 0.5, 'windflag': 3, 'wdflag': 1, 'alpha1': 1.0, 'pts1': 0.001, 'pts3': 0.02, 'pts2': 0.01, 'epsnov': 0.001, 'hewind': 0.5, 'ck': 1000, 'bwind': 0.0, 'lambdaf': 0.0, 'mxns': 3.0, 'beta': -1.0, 'tflag': 1, 'acc2': 1.5, 'grflag' : 1, 'remnantflag': 4, 'ceflag': 0, 'eddfac': 1.0, 'ifflag': 0, 'bconst': 3000, 'sigma': 265.0, 'gamma': -2.0, 'pisn': 45.0, 'natal_kick_array' : [[-100.0,-100.0,-100.0,-100.0,0.0], [-100.0,-100.0,-100.0,-100.0,0.0]], 'bhsigmafrac' : 1.0, 'polar_kick_angle' : 90, 'qcrit_array' : [0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0], 'cekickflag' : 2, 'cehestarflag' : 0, 'cemergeflag' : 0, 'ecsn' : 2.25, 'ecsn_mlow' : 1.6, 'aic' : 1, 'ussn' : 0, 'sigmadiv' :-20.0, 'qcflag' : 1, 'eddlimflag' : 0, 'fprimc_array' : [2.0/21.0,2.0/21.0,2.0/21.0,2.0/21.0,2.0/21.0,2.0/21.0,2.0/21.0,2.0/21.0,2.0/21.0,2.0/21.0,2.0/21.0,2.0/21.0,2.0/21.0,2.0/21.0,2.0/21.0,2.0/21.0], 'bhspinflag' : 0, 'bhspinmag' : 0.0, 'rejuv_fac' : 1.0, 'rejuvflag' : 0, 'htpmb' : 1, 'ST_cr' : 1, 'ST_tide' : 1, 'bdecayfac' : 1, 'rembar_massloss' : 0.5, 'kickflag' : 1, 'zsun' : 0.014, 'bhms_coll_flag' : 0, 'don_lim' : -1, 'acc_lim' : -1, 'rtmsflag' : 0, 'wd_mass_lim': 1}

In [13]: timestep_conditions = [['kstar_1=14', 'kstar_2<10','dtp=0.1'], ['kstar_2=14', 'kstar_1<10','dtp=0.1']]

In [14]: bpp, bcm, initC, kick_info = Evolve.evolve(initialbinarytable=single_binary, BSEDict=BSEDict,
   ....:                                            timestep_conditions=timestep_conditions)

In [15]: print(bcm[['tphys', 'kstar_1', 'kstar_2', 'mass_1', 'mass_2', 'bin_state']])
      tphys  kstar_1  kstar_2     mass_1      mass_2  bin_state
0  0.000000        1        1  85.543645   84.997840          0
0  4.071374       14        1  24.988585  106.891756          0
0  4.171374       14        1  24.988586  105.634889          0
0  4.271374       14        1  24.988586  104.335873          0
0  4.371374       14        1  24.988586  103.016130          0
0  4.471374       14        1  24.988586  101.707633          0
0  4.571374       14        1  24.988586  100.454871          0
0  4.671374       14        1  24.988586   99.314847          0
0  4.771374       14        1  24.988586   98.352198          0
0  4.871374       14        1  24.988590   89.040292          0