ClusterMonteCarlo SamplingΒΆ
New in COSMIC 3.4, you can now use COSMIC to sample initial conditions that can be used in the simulation of a Globular Cluster (GC), using the ClusterMonteCarlo (CMC) software package. To create these initial conditions, and save them in a format readable by CMC, you can do the following.
In [1]: from cosmic.sample.initialcmctable import InitialCMCTable
In [2]: from cosmic.sample.sampler import cmc
To see the arguments necessary to call the CMC sampler use the help function:
In [3]: help(cmc.get_cmc_sampler)
Help on function get_cmc_sampler in module cosmic.sample.sampler.cmc:
get_cmc_sampler(cluster_profile, primary_model, ecc_model, porb_model, binfrac_model, met, size, **kwargs)
Generates an initial cluster sample according to user specified models
cluster_profile : `str`
Model to use for the cluster profile (i.e. sampling of the placement of objects in the cluster and their velocity within the cluster)
Options include:
'plummer' : Standard Plummer sphere.
Additional parameters:
'r_max' : `float`
the maximum radius (in virial radii) to sample the clsuter
'elson' : EFF 1987 profile. Generalization of Plummer that better fits young massive clusters
Additional parameters:
'gamma' : `float`
steepness paramter for Elson profile; note that gamma=4 is same is Plummer
'r_max' : `float`
the maximum radius (in virial radii) to sample the clsuter
'king' : King profile
'w_0' : `float`
King concentration parameter
'r_max' : `float`
the maximum radius (in virial radii) to sample the clsuter
primary_model : `str`
Model to sample primary mass; choices include: kroupa93, kroupa01, salpeter55, custom
if 'custom' is selected, must also pass arguemts:
alphas : `array`
list of power law indicies
mcuts : `array`
breaks in the power laws.
e.g. alphas=[-1.3,-2.3,-2.3],mcuts=[0.08,0.5,1.0,150.] reproduces standard Kroupa2001 IMF
ecc_model : `str`
Model to sample eccentricity; choices include: thermal, uniform, sana12
porb_model : `str`
Model to sample orbital period; choices include: log_uniform, sana12
msort : `float`
Stars with M>msort can have different pairing and sampling of companions
pair : `float`
Sets the pairing of stars M>msort only with stars with M>msort
binfrac_model : `str or float`
Model for binary fraction; choices include: vanHaaften, offner22, or a fraction where 1.0 is 100% binaries
binfrac_model_msort : `str or float`
Same as binfrac_model for M>msort
qmin : `float`
kwarg which sets the minimum mass ratio for sampling the secondary
where the mass ratio distribution is flat in q
if q > 0, qmin sets the minimum mass ratio
q = -1, this limits the minimum mass ratio to be set such that
the pre-MS lifetime of the secondary is not longer than the full
lifetime of the primary if it were to evolve as a single star
m2_min : `float`
kwarg which sets the minimum secondary mass for sampling
the secondary as uniform in mass_2 between m2_min and mass_1
qmin_msort : `float`
Same as qmin for M>msort; only applies if qmin is supplied
met : `float`
Sets the metallicity of the binary population where solar metallicity is zsun
size : `int`
Size of the population to sample
zsun : `float`
optional kwarg for setting effective radii, default is 0.02
Optional Parameters
virial_radius : `float`
the initial virial radius of the cluster, in parsecs
Default -- 1 pc
tidal_radius : `float`
the initial tidal radius of the cluster, in units of the virial_radius
Default -- 1e6 rvir
central_bh : `float`
Put a central massive black hole in the cluster
Default -- 0 MSUN
scale_with_central_bh : `bool`
If True, then the potential from the central_bh is included when scaling the radii.
Default -- False
seed : `float`
seed to the random number generator, for reproducability
Singles: `pandas.DataFrame`
DataFrame of Single objects in the format of the InitialCMCTable
Binaries: `pandas.DataFrame`
DataFrame of Single objects in the format of the InitialCMCTable
In [4]: from cosmic.sample import InitialCMCTable
In [5]: Singles, Binaries = InitialCMCTable.sampler('cmc', binfrac_model=0.2, primary_model='kroupa01', ecc_model='sana12', porb_model='sana12', qmin=-1.0, cluster_profile='plummer', met=0.014, size=40000, params='../examples/Params.ini', gamma=4, r_max=100)
In [6]: InitialCMCTable.write(Singles, Binaries, filename="input.hdf5")
In [7]: InitialCMCTable.write(Singles, Binaries, filename="input.fits")