- cosmic.bse_utils.zcnsts.zcnsts(z)¶
Calculate constants based on the metallicty * zpars: 1; M below which hook doesn’t appear on MS, Mhook. * 2; M above which He ignition occurs non-degenerately, Mhef. * 3; M above which He ignition occurs on the HG, Mfgb. * 4; M below which C/O ignition doesn’t occur, Mup. * 5; M above which C ignites in the centre, Mec. * 6; value of log D for M<= zpars[2] * 7; value of x for Rgb propto M^(-x) * 8; value of x for tMS = numpy.maximum(tHOOK,x*tBGB) * 9; constant for McHeIf when computing Mc,BGB, mchefl. * 10; constant for McHeIf when computing Mc,HeI, mchefl. * 11; hydrogen abundance. * 12; helium abundance. * 13; constant x in rnumpy.minimum = rgb*x**y used by LM CHeB. * 14; z**0.4 to be used for WD L formula.