- class cosmic.sample.initialbinarytable.InitialBinaryTable¶
- classmethod InitialBinaries(m1, m2, porb, ecc, tphysf, kstar1, kstar2, metallicity, **kwargs)¶
Create single binary
- Parameters:
- m1float
Primary mass [Msun]
- m2float
Secondary mass [Msun]
- porbfloat
Orbital period [days]
- eccfloat
- tphysffloat
Time to evolve the binary [Myr]
- kstar1array
0-14 Initial stellar type of the larger object; main sequence stars are 0 if m < 0.7 Msun and 1 otherwise
- kstar2array
0-14 Initial stellar type of the smaller object; main sequence stars are 0 if m < 0.7 Msun and 1 otherwise
- metallicityfloat
Metallicity of the binaries; Z_sun = 0.02
- **kwargs
- binfracfloat
System-specific probability of the primary star being in a binary
mass0_1,mass0_2,rad1,rad2,lumin1,lumin2, massc1,massc2,radc1,radc2,menv1,menv2,renv1,renv2, ospin1,ospin2,b_0_1,b_0_2,bacc1,bacc2, tacc1,tacc2,epoch1,epoch2,tms1,tms2 bhspin1,bhspin2
- Returns:
- InitialBinariesDataFrame
Single binary initial conditions
- __dict__ = mappingproxy({'__module__': 'cosmic.sample.initialbinarytable', 'InitialBinaries': <classmethod(<function InitialBinaryTable.InitialBinaries>)>, 'sampler': <classmethod(<function InitialBinaryTable.sampler>)>, '__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'InitialBinaryTable' objects>, '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'InitialBinaryTable' objects>, '__doc__': None, '__annotations__': {}})¶
- __doc__ = None¶
- __module__ = 'cosmic.sample.initialbinarytable'¶
- __weakref__¶
list of weak references to the object (if defined)
- classmethod sampler(format_, *args, **kwargs)¶
Fetch a method to generate an initial binary sample
- Parameters:
- formatstr
the method name; Choose from ‘independent’ or ‘multidim’
- *args
the arguments necessary for the registered sample method; see help(InitialBinaryTable.sampler(‘independent’) to see the arguments necessary for the independent sample
- The available named formats are:
- =========== …
Format …
- =========== …
- independent …
multidim …
- =========== …